Friday, August 19, 2005

San Francisco Polo Explosion

Drudge has up the story of an explosion in a Ralph Lauren shop in San Francisco:

Polo Explosion

"A big fire ball shot out the side of the Polo store," said James Brown, who saw the explosion. "There were four or five people walking by right when the flames came out and covered them.”

There is one reported injury but no deaths. Retail shops in downtown metropolitan areas don’t just blow-up. This doesn’t sound good……………………………………….


CBS 5 in San Francisco is reporting that the location of the explosion is also the location for an electrical underground vault:

The source of the explosion is not known at this time but PG&E spokesman Paul Moreno confirmed that the location of the incident was in an electrical underground vault that houses transformers and other equipment.

Might turn out to be a utility accident, lets hope so................
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