Sunday, June 11, 2006

No Second Round Tickets for Ahmadinejad to World Cup?

Looks pretty likely that the political nuclear bomb from having Iranian President Ahmadinejad make a visit at the World Cup, won't happen after the Iranian's received a whipping via Mexico in round one, per WaPo:

Iran started strong and played to a tie in the first half, but succumbed completely to a Mexican onslaught in the second half and suffered a 3-1 defeat. With Portugal considered by many the favorite in Group D, and neophyte Angola a considerable underdog, this game was considered to be extremely important. This result, and Iran's already troubling goal differential, has Mexico in great stead............

Not having Ahmadinejad at the World Cup is a good thing.....................way too deep of scars and anti-Semitism history in Germany to have the current version of anti-Semitism hate making an appearance center stage at the event hosted in Germany................

On an immigration related point, why isn't America's soccer team better given the Mexican nationalist talent that should be available to the team?
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