Friday, June 09, 2006

I Had Never Cheered a Human Death Prior to Zarqawi's

Was killing the terrorist leader in Iraq and for that matter the most active leader of terrorism in the world (until Wed that is) important and a huge success? Well of course, this is a very important and positive development. Rummy compared al-now dead-Zarqawi to Hitler from the perspective of being a monster capable of hideously inhuman acts against other humans....................I'd say that's about spot on...............Remember this guy personally cut people's heads off and taped it on video, and killed thousands of other innocent people and many American soldiers.......He is dead and that is an extremely positive thing............

I have never been happy or had a celebratory reaction to "any" person's death until Wed when I heard the news that we had killed Zarqawi and I suspect that many other people share that exact scenario with me.............................It's the right emotion to cheer the death of such a monster...........

Will the violence in Iraq end with the death of Zarqawi? No, it might even spike for a period of time but taking out the evil-monster-leader of the insurgency has to be a "huge" plus and "could" very well lead to a very important and positive trend in Iraq............Lots of Next Generation Terrorist are Already Dead............

Of course the anti-any-war crowd is not happy about Zarqawi's death because it's good news for the GWOT and the war in Iraq. They have been trying to spin it into a non-event in the MSM and online because it's not good for their cause........I don't understand that and don't want to..............I reject it completely.......

Anyone who tries to marginalize for their political agenda the death of a monster who is on par with the worst terrorists of history in terms of rejecting the human code and doing the horrible things that Zarqawi did, has an extremely sick and very questionable home base I'd say..........................How do misguided souls get to that place? What a feeble and discredited place to reside.....................................
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