Thursday, June 01, 2006

Soldier Sacrifices Over Haditha?

Haditha is getting all the headlines and I understand why. However, this story seems to me to have the potential to be much more damaging to the war efforts than Haditha from a troop perspective, via Fox:

A Marine captain who was relieved of command after members of his battalion were accused of killing civilians in Haditha, Iraq, denied any role in the slayings and complained that he had become a "political casualty." It makes my blood boil to see my name lumped in with this massacre, when I was in a different city not playing any role in this incident," Capt. James Kimber told The Associated Press...............

Is Capt. James Kimber a "political casualty" as he claims?:

Kimber said he was removed because senior commanders at California's Camp Pendleton were scrambling to defuse an explosive situation.............

If this is true I have to imagine that it could have a very negative impact on the troops and morale. If this is a cover your ass move by the brass, someone better get their ear and change this around quick. Can you imagine how the soldiers on the ground would feel seeing an officer thrown on the pile by the brass just to try to make this story go away?

Kimber might be responsible for issues that merited him being relieved of his command, I have no idea. However, if that's not the case and he is warm body being sacrificed, watch out..............The Iraq campaign will survive Haditha. Americans won't condone it but they won't turn on the military for this one tragedy. The brass offering up soldier sacrifices that don't deserve such treatment if that is what's happening here with Kimber, could unravel the whole deal..................
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