Monday, March 06, 2006

Gitmo is Club Med Compared to Home - Say Detainees

Terrorist say Gitmo is better than home, full residency on the American homeland would be better, per the AP:

Fearing militants or even their own governments, some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay from China, Saudi Arabia and other nations do not want to go home, according to transcripts of hearings at the U.S. prison in Cuba.......................

Club Gitmo is looking pretty good now that we are getting all the details..........................Not what those wanting to discredit Gitmo wanted but those are the facts coming out.........................Would you rather be in Club Gitmo or China:

"If I am sent back to China, they will torture me really bad," said the man, whose name did not appear in the transcript. "They will use dogs. They will pull out my nails." ........................................Two of the Uighurs are appealing a federal judge's rejection of their request to be released in the United States, where a family in the Washington suburbs has offered to take them in..............................

Huh, no nails being pulled off or dogs biting like the MSM has promoted.....................MSM call your office we have a "Really Big Credibility Problem" it's worse that it was before, trust me, call now and take the hunter orange off...........................................
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