Saturday, March 04, 2006

IL Governor & Dem Machine Becoming Damaged Goods After Latest Political Stumble

Things continue to go badly for IL Governor (Dem) Rob Blagojevich and the IL Dem Machine. He recently appointed an official of the Nation of Islam to the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes. Shortly after arriving Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad an official with the Nation of Islam invited fellow commission members to a speech given my Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan this past Sunday. Per the AP:

Blagojevich appointed Muhammad to the commission in August, but she drew no public attention until she invited other commissioners to a Farrakhan speech last month. Some commissioners began complaining of her presence on the panel, and the criticism increased after Farrakhan's speech Sunday included references to "Hollywood Jews" promoting homosexuality and "other filth.". The Democratic governor, in a recent interview with The Associated Press, said he did not realize he had appointed a Nation of Islam official until learning about it from news reports.......................

After the Farrakhan hate speech, four members of the commission have resigned in protest per the AP:

Four Jewish members of the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes resigned this week rather than serve alongside an aide to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, known for his disparaging remarks about Jews, whites and gays.

This the latest serious misstep for the IL Governor in high profile matters. Early last month Blagojevich appeared on the Daily Show with John Stewart and had not idea what the show was all about and a comedy. Things went badly for Blagojevich on the show and it has people in both parties shacking their head:

People on both sides of the question are shaking their heads over the Blagojevich administration's failure to anticipate the problem. Some likened it to Blagojevich's statement last month that he had no idea "The Daily Show" was a comedy when he sat down for an interview that ended up mocking him.

The resolution status on this matter and Blogojevich’s response as to whether Muhammad should resign as most are calling for, per the AP:

But he did say Muhammad should stay on the commission so long as she supports its goals of fighting discrimination. “I strongly disagree with the things Minister Farrakhan said. They’re wrong and hateful and they’re harmful,” Blagojevich said. “I also oppose guilt by association. Ms. Muhammad didn’t say those things.”………..

Governor, hint-hint, this is not the Daily Show with John Stewart, it’s the real world. Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad is an official of the Nation of Islam. As an official she is a supporter of everything that Farrakhan states unless she publicly denounces it. Even so she is still an official which is still very concerning even if she publicly denounces the statements……..

Early this week a member of the IL Dem Machine Barack Obama Senator D-IL came to STL for a Claire McCaskill fundraiser, and joked about changing Missouri's red state status to a blue one matching IL, per Jo Mannies of the Post Dispatch:

“Missouri is tough state,'’ Obama said, adding with a chuckle, “Illinois used to be that way too, but we fixed it.”

Yes sir, it sure looks like they have fixed things up well over in Illinois Senator, but I doubt that type of fixing will play too well in Missouri or many other states..............Claire McCaskill would probably be wise to distance herself from the Illinois Democrat Machine and be much more selective in who she has raising money on her behalf and promoting her candidacy..............................
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