Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Clinton Go-To UAE Advisor on Port Deal

The Financial Times is reporting HERE that Bill Clinton is helping the UAE navigate the storm on the port deal:

Bill Clinton, former US president, advised top officials from Dubai two weeks ago on how to address growing US concerns over the acquisition of five US container terminals by DP World. It came even as his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton, was leading efforts to derail the deal. Mr Clinton, who this week called the United Arab Emirates a “good ally to America”, advised Dubai’s leaders to propose a 45-day delay to allow for an intensive investigation of the acquisition, according to his spokesman.

Former President Clinton has deep roots with Dubai:
Mr Clinton’s contact with Dubai on the issue underscores the relationship he has developed with the United Arab Emirates since leaving office. In 2002, he was paid $300,000 (€252,000) to address a summit in Dubai.

So, Clinton is the go to guy to save the UAE Dubai Port deal from a consultant perspective while stuffing lots of cash in his pockets and his wife is leading the charge against the deal.....................Can you say MAJOR CONFLICT brewing..............
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