Saturday, December 03, 2005

Squirrels Kill Dog

This story reminds me of a real life woodland drama I saw this hunting season:

Squirrel Attack

Man those are some "Bad Ass Squirrels", if they can gang up on and kill a dog:

A "big" stray dog was nosing about the trees and barking at squirrels hiding in branches overhead when a number of them suddenly descended and attacked, reports say. "They literally gutted the dog," local journalist Anastasia Trubitsina told Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper..............

I'm not completely surprised as this year on opening day of deer season while sitting in my stand, I had a squirrel start barking at me when he saw I was in the stand in his area. The fact that I had a 30.06 sited on him several times to see just how dramatic he was expressing himself did not seem to bother him. He barked away until a hawk swooped down and almost nailed him from the backside. He would run around to the other side of the tree as the hawk dived at him and then come back around and bark away at the hawks miss. He was in the hawks face when he knew he had the advantage and let the hawk know about it. Over and over he did that little dance...................

He ran up the tree and barked away for the next half hour and I watched the hawk hunt the big balled squirrel while he barked away at every miss. I probably missed a couple good deer watching that, but it was worth it.

I admired that little gray squirrel this past November, and I think he would have whipped some "Soviet Squirrel Dog Killer" ass if he was in the mix with them, since he was going solo with a hawk...........................................

That said a gang of squirrels killing a dog is a very strange and impressive, at least from a squirrels perspective......................
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