Saturday, November 26, 2005

Cindy Sheehan: I'm A Bigger Defeatist Than Murtha

Mother Cindy Sheehan returned to the Bush ranch after eclipsing her fifteen minutes of fame long ago, and desperately is trying to recapture another fifteen:

Another 15 Please!!!!

Now that the democrat party has officially joined the Sheehan defeatest hippy drum dance via Rep. John Murtha's "America is too weak to win" credo, it will be interesting to watch the MSM approach to this story. Will they distance Murtha and the dems from Sheehan or connect the dots? Come on, you know the answer to that question, there will be no dots connected by the MSM on this story. The worm has turned on Sheehan and they don't want to be a part of the fall out........................................

That's OK, the dots are being connected without the MSM participation on this story..................................
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