Saturday, December 03, 2005

Damaging Blanco Memos Go Public

More proof that the office of Dem Gov. Kathleen Blanco is trying to recreate history and hide the true history that shows the absolute failures that her administration orchestrated before, during, and after Katrina:

Blanco Katrina Memos

Blanco's staff is presenting memos never sent and devastating ones that were to the congressional committee investigating the Blanco failures:

For the state's part, Blanco's chief of staff Andy Kopplin e-mailed employees Sept. 4 saying they needed to get national supporters to say "that the federal response was anemic" and asked them to point out budget cuts to levee programs.......................

When Bush visited New Orleans on Sept. 5 Blanco was initially supposed to visit evacuees in Houston, but Blanco spokeswoman Denise Bottcher didn't like the idea of Bush being in the state when the governor wasn't. "Reinforces the notion that she's not in charge and LA needs to be federalized," she e-mailed Kopplin........... (The perception that Blanco was not in charge?)

The Democratic governor's staff also griped that Republicans were attacking Blanco. "Rove is on the prowl," says one unexplained Sept. 3 message from Kopplin to Mann, a reference to Bush adviser Karl Rove.........................

How pathetic is that? Totally focused on politics instead of getting water, food and medical supplies to the people you represent and who need you. Mix together an incompetent Blanco administration with some political paranoia, and you get the disaster of Katrina and the floods of New Orleans.....................
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