Saturday, December 10, 2005

Gerhard Schroeder Cashing In On Big Oil

Here is a story about a national leader cashing in their political clout and political connections for huge profits in the oil business. No it's not Dick Cheney or President Bush, although the extreme left political wing and press organizations have been on that tangent for years, with no proof and no story. It is actually, President Bush's most vocal critic, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder:

Schroeder Cashing In

Per the BBC:

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has been sharply criticized for taking a top job in a Russian-led consortium building a gas pipeline. Mr. Schroeder - who as chancellor negotiated the deal - will head the shareholders' committee, a position roughly comparable to board chairman.

Well, lets see, he negotiated the deal and now he is heading the conflict of interest there............................

Makes one wonder if Schroeder was not all that upset about loosing his job a few months ago. His new post is going to pay "Mega Bucks" that will make the Iraq money from Sadam look thin. It will be interesting to see how the MSM covers this story given Schroeder's hero status with them because of his criticism of the Iraq war......................................

This story proves that the "oil conspiracy" folks in the MSM were right about a political leader cashing in, however they got the wrong continents and the wrong leaders, obliviously.............................
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