Friday, November 04, 2005

French Intifada & Communist Argentina Riots Proof Bush Policy Correct

Watching the coverage of the Summit of America it was almost comical to see the Castro-Lennon-Chavez communist protestors wait for the press to gather near before they broke windows, destroyed property, or set things on fire. It is a very staged and choreographed event. It reminds me of the Cindy Sheehan event this summer. Come to think of it there must be socialist-communist American protest organizers down in Argentina helping with the event, because it has the same footprint.

The really funny thing is that they think this will have an effect on the American public and American policy. It and the French Intifada are having an effect but not the one both hoped that they would.

What is happening in Argentina & France is a resounding justification of our current policies and a huge reason to step up those actions......................

If you doubt that Chavez and Venezuela are a threat take a look at where one of the Madrid 3-11 bombers was hiding Madrid Bomber Yes they were in Venezuela................
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