Monday, September 26, 2005

Krugman Is Eating Tin Foiled Brownies Again

Someone tell Krugman to take the tin foil off the brownie before he eats it ok?

Paul Krugman is asking the moonbats to find the "brownie" via lib bloger Martini Republic:


The moonbats are eating the brownie platter up tonight on Technorati, with Krugman sitting at #1, #3, and #4. No word on what the brownies have in them...................

Krugman's has tasked the bats with sniffing out Michael Brown (Former FEMA) likes (aka brownies) who got their job via "political loyalty and personal connections". He also used the Jack Abramoff example but does not call Abromoff a "muffin" along the cake like theme he had going, go figure..............................

Here is Krugman's brownie game objective:

The goal isn't to find important political players who were chummy with Mr. Abramoff - that's too easy. Instead, you have to find people linked by employment. One degree of Jack Abramoff is someone who actually worked for the lobbyist. Two degrees is a powerful Washington figure who hired someone who formerly worked for Mr. Abramoff, or who had one of his own former employees go to work for Mr. Abramoff.

O.K., enough joking. The point of my games - which are actually research programs for enterprising journalists - is that all the scandals now surfacing are linked. Something is rotten in the state of the U.S. government. And the lesson of Hurricane Katrina is that a culture of cronyism and corruption can have lethal consequences.

O.K. so the Emperor of the Moonbats has sent them forward to find more brownies and muffins and the moonbats are flying the frenzied moonbat flight dance. They are out to find the cronies, who knows they might even come back with a Downing Street Memo "God forbid". His tinfoil moonbat dance has the following bad logic:

One degree of Jack Abramoff is someone who actually worked for the lobbyist. Two degrees is a powerful Washington figure who hired someone who formerly worked for Mr. Abramoff, or who had one of his own former employees go to work for Mr. Abramoff.

Krugman is eating brownies under the shade of a tree that does not belong to Bush, but no matter, the Tin Foil Hat Professor does not care about facts nor do the dancing bats. This is going to be very entertaining and humorous to see what the bats report out to the Moonbat Emperor...............................
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