Thursday, September 22, 2005

Schumer's DSCC Commits Felony - Get Soros Money

Charles Schumer (D) N.Y. Senator and chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, has a couple of staff members on the DSCC who just committed a felony by pulling an unauthorized credit report on Lt. Governor of Maryland Michael Steele. Steele is considering running for the Senate in Maryland, so Schumer and his felons were doing a little "research" to get ready for DNC politics:

Schumer Staff Felonies

I'm not surprised by Schumer's team doing something like this. The Democratic party fell way below the mud-line last year in the 2004 election with a major "fraud" and illegal campaign strategy after the party was purchased by MoveOn and George Soros. Speaking of Soros, if there is smoke and fire like this story proves it's not strange to learn that Soros just packed the DSCC coffers in a recent fund raiser:

Soros Funds To DSCC

Per The Hill, Soros gathered a group of 60 friends last week in his home and they gave Schumer and the DSCC $250,000. No word whether committing additional felonies are a required political strategy for the DSCC to continue the liberal cash flow.............................................

MoveOn said they bought the DNC and the Democratic Party, and that the were calling the shots from now on because it was their party. Their party just committed a felony under DNC campaign strategies they were carrying out. Get ready for some serious fraud and campaign crime in 2006 if the opening act by the Democrats is a true forbearer of their strategies.............................


The Washington Times has a report up on the Schumer – DSCC matter:

Wash Times

The Republican Senatorial Committee attorneys have sent a letter to the DSCC demanding to know if other Republican candidates have had their credit reports illegally accessed by the DSCC. Per the DSCC attorney, no:

Marc E. Elias, an attorney for the Democratic committee, responded yesterday with a letter stating the staffers accessed only Mr. Steele's report.

The DSCC is attempting to spin the crime as a lack of judgement by two junior staffers but the two who commited the felony could hardly be considered junior staffers:

staffers have been identified as Katie Barge, the committee's research director, and her deputy, Lauren Weiner. Employees in such jobs would be considered senior staffers and managers, said state Republicans and National Republican Senatorial Committee staffers.

Ms. Barge has an interesting background:

Miss Barge previously worked as a researcher for presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat, and as a research director for Media Matters for America, a Web-based enterprise founded to combat the influence of conservative news commentators.

I won’t be supprised if other unlawful actions have been taken by these two staffers and others at Schumer’s DSCC………………………
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