Friday, September 23, 2005

Minnesota Dem Officials Want Department of Peace

Minnesota’s Democratic Party has endorsed a plan to create a federal Department of Peace and Nonviolence, and to establish a cabinet-level secretary to oversee it. Minnesota Democratic Senator Mark Dayton introduced the bill:

Peace Department

Aside from the support from the Minnesota Democratic Party and Dayton, Betty McCollum, Martin Sabo & Jim Oberstar, all Minnesota D-Reps, also strongly support the bill:

"It sends the right message," said Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., who has co-sponsored the bill along with Minnesota Democratic Reps. Martin Sabo and Jim Oberstar. "It's about promoting justice, expanding human rights and preventing conflict."

All the support for the Department of Peace from the Minnesota politicians has Rep Dennis Kucinich D-Ohio singing the praise of the State of Minnesota:

"It underscores Minnesota's forward-looking approach to government," Kucinich said. "That's what Minnesota is about. It's the one state where new ideas are welcomed."

I’m sure the guys at Powerline are going to have a few things to say about the Minnesota elected Washington contingency, and their desire to form a Peace & Nonviolent federal department…………………

The Peace Department………..Cindy Sheehan must have arrived in Washington and I’m wondering if she got a lift from the Minnesota Democratic politicians somewhere along the way……………….
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