Thursday, August 04, 2005

Fox Confirms New York Times Asked For Sealed Files On Roberts Children

Brit Hume of Fox News reports this PM via his Grape Line on the NYT unacceptable invasion of the Roberts children's privacacy:

The NYT asked for "sealed" records on the Roberts adoptions and were turned down due to the unacceptable nature of the request per the Fox source.......................

Well Mr. Bill Keller, you have a very serious issue that you must address and we will demand that you address it. Your newspaper has stepped way over the line and everyone associated with this iniative must be fired including yourself to hold onto the little bit of credibility that you have. If not, the old crazy gray lady will have been exposed as an irrational and tone deaf MSM hack who has no credibility.............

Brit Hume says that the NYT explanation that they were not INVESTIGATING the Roberts children is false, they were in fact doing just that. His question was the same as mine, why? There is no "REASON" for this investigation so why are they doing it? Read my pervious post on this matter................


Hume has the report from last nights telecast up on the Fox website under his Political Grapevine:


The New York Times been asking lawyers who specialize in adoption cases for advice on how to get into the sealed court records on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' two adopted children.There is no indication The Times had any evidence there was anything improper in the family's adoption of five-year-old Josie and four-year-old Jack, both born in Latin America. Sources familiar with the matter told FOX News that at least one lawyer turned the Times down flat, saying that any effort to pry into adoption case records, which are always sealed, would be reprehensible.
A Times spokesman said the paper was simply asking questions, and that only initial inquiries had been made.
Well that is not what the NYT has been telling us via Letters to Bloggers. This was/is a full blown fishing investigation, it is not a limited and general inquiry as they have been saying…………………………………..