Friday, July 22, 2005

Is Sheikh Bakri The Pro-Life Voter Howard Dean Is Reaching Out To?

It seems that the American model is a very good one from a "no entry" to hate screaming Sheikh's, verses what Europe has been doing the past several years. Via WaPo:

Hate Sheikh's

Here are the types of "Screaming Hate Sheikh's" who are allowed into Britain:

Speaking 15 days after bombers killed over 50 people in London and a day after a series of failed attacks on the city's transport network, Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed said the British capital should expect more violence."What happened yesterday confirmed that as long as the cause and the root problem is still there ... we will see the same effect we saw on July 7," Bakri said.

"If the cause is still there the effect will happen again and again," he said, adding he had no information about future attacks or contacts with people planning to carry out attacks.Bakri, a Syrian-born cleric who has been vilified in Britain since 2001 when he praised the September 11 hijackers, said he did not believe the bombings and attempted attacks on London were carried out by British Muslims.

He condemned the killing of all innocent civilians but described attacks on British and U.S. troops in Muslim countries as "pro-life" and justified.

I don't think Bakri is the Pro-Life voter that Howard Dean is looking to reach out to, but given his messed up political compass who knows??????

Terrorist Bakri described Osama bin Laden as: "a sincere man who fights against evil forces." He went on to say: "I would like to see the Islamic flag fly, not only over number 10 Downing Street, but over the whole world," he said.

Why is this man on the street speaking of hate and advocating terrorism free and able to do so? I think we will see a very strong and matching Patriot Act type law coming soon in Europe. The story of snipers following terrorist suspects because they could not arrest them due to British law, will be changed soon I say. Bombs going off and killing citizens from people who were being tracked by snipers but not locked up due to legal constraints, will not be allowed any longer in the post 7/7 era, even in the ultra-socialist land of Europe...................................
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