Friday, July 22, 2005

NYT Editor - NY Water Makes Penis Fall Off?

Take a look at the quote from NY Times editor Bill Keller, in a WaPo story on the recent promotion of Dean Baquet to editor of the LA Times:


Keller’s quote:

"Dean's a prince -- a world-class investigator, an inspiring editor and a barrel of fun." But Keller said he hoped Baquet would start "fighting fair" in luring staffers: "He has this habit of telling recruits there's something in the New York water that makes your penis fall off."

Ouch, now that’s some bad water! I can kind of see it though from the product the NY Times produces, seems that might be the case. Come to think of it, this issue appears to be present in most water supplies of most MSM newspapers, but they call it koolaid not water. Now it all makes sense that we saw those anti-Bush posters on the vehicles of not only woman journalists in the MSM but also men.

You remember the stickers and posters, the ones that said "the only bush I trust is my own…………………………….
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