Thursday, July 21, 2005

NY T-Shirt "I Don't Consent to REASONABLE Search"

Moonbat T-Shirts for sale in NY to protest reasonable bag inspections:

Moon Bat Shirt

ok, so walk to work..............I can't honestly think of another example of where random search could be defined as anything other than "reasonable".

Let's see, everyone gets searched to get on an airplane because terrorist flew two into the WTC and one into the ground in PA. Terrorist are setting off bombs in London in the subway killing innocent people and the moonbats have a problem with random & reasonable searches in the NY subway? Moonbats...............

"Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly had announced the legally obvious—that New Yorkers are free to decline a search and "turn around and leave."

It would be great if the police came to work with T-Shirts inspired by this article:

So top line of the police shirt would say: So You Don't Consent To A Reasonable Search?

Next Line: Fine, Turn Around, Leave And Walk Your Sorry Ass To Work.............

Or maybe non-moonbat New Yorkers could show up in droves with the following T-Shirt:

I Consent to "REASONABLE" Search..........................

That's right, what am I thinking, this is New York,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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