Saturday, May 28, 2005

Uncle John Ford's Impact on Harold Ford Jr's Senate Bid

This will be bad news for State Senator John Ford's nephew U.S. Rep Harold Ford Jr. (Dem), who has been positioned as one of the up and coming stars of the DNC, by the DNC leadership.

Chicago Machine imported to Tennessee

Sounds like the Ford Family have imported a Chicago style Daley machine to Tennessee. Bribes, threats, subversion of the laws you are swore in to protect, yep it sounds like a southern DNC Daley machine.

Rep Harold Ford Jr. had his eye on the Senate, but this blows that thought out of the water. Being a family of this corrupt political family machine removes the Senate from consideration.

Harold's Senate Bid?

I have $20 bucks that says there will be no coverage of the Ford Family scandal in the St. Louis Post Dispatch coverage. Any takers?
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