Thursday, May 26, 2005

Zarqawi Dead? It's Really Not That Important

It is not that big of a deal if Zarqawi is dead or seriously injured. He will be replaced by another crazy Short Minded NY type Professor, only of Arab descent. That said here is what the latest is on Zarqawi per Fox:

Zarqawi Took A Steal One In The Lung?

President Bush said four years ago that this will be a long, hard, and on going fight that we will win, however it will be a long Struggle. So who has forgotten this? How could you forget the perfectly framed picture that President Bush gave America?

Zarqawi is a terrorist killer just like OB. If he is dead, great. If he is not dead, we will kill him soon enough just like OB if we have not already killed his sorry ass. They will move-up, we will kill them, and then kill those who replace the move-ups.....................
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