Thursday, May 26, 2005

I Agree With Dianne Feinstein? Really????

Well I think I will go stick an ice pick in my eye. Why? Well I am in agreement with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California. What do I agree with Feinstein on? From the Pravda Post

Fill It Up With Corn

I'm all for hybrid cars, aggressive research into solution that reduce dependency on oil and the middle east, however, you don't just mix ethanol and gas together and double the consumable gas.

It's very expensive to incorporate corn juice into usable gas for your car and mine. It is a complicated and expensive process that makes the end product more expensive usually than the straight oil product. There is even evidence for you Greens that it causes more pollution than straight oil. Must be the fiber.......

There are too few refineries, to many different mix requirements per region, and to now make it a mandate to add corn juice is just silly. Sorry Senator Talent.....

I love farmers and think they are the fabric of America. I can even support subsidies within reason to help them keep the corn growing strong. However, when you tell me I have to put corn in my car and pay more for it than straight oil, I have a really big problem with that.

My God, of all things for me to agree with Dianne Feinstein, it's Corn? Weird....
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