Friday, February 25, 2005

Good Luck Mr. Williams

Creg E. Williams, was named as the superintendent of the St. Louis Public Schools. His resume from Philly: In Philadelphia, he has been the deputy chief academic officer since 2002. In that post, he is directly responsible for 58 high schools, 52 charter schools and a budget of more than $500 million. The district overall has 215,000 students and a budget of more than $1.6 billion. Read the Pradva Post for the update:
It's an incredible tough job I think. We already had the private group come in and bail out. When a private for profit outfit says it so broke it can not be fixed that's a really bad sign. The metro schools are in terrible shape and we are loosing the metro youth to crime, murder, drugs, and indifference. That's not good for them, the metro residences or the people of greater St. Louis.

I hope Mr. Williams will have a positive influence on the metro school future, lets all hope so. I plan to contact Mr Williams and ask if I can do anything to help him and, don't know it there is but you should also.............................
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