Tuesday, February 22, 2005

McGuire Was & Bonds Is On Juice

I live in St. Louis and have for seven plus years. The Card's are my home team but are also my second favorite team (I grew up a Tampa Bay Buc fan and a Braves fan and always will be ). I will say without a doubt that the St. Louis fans are the best I have ever been in company with. They know the game, know what is occurring, and are respectful for the game. That's pretty precious right about now. The McGuire magic home run season was magical for me and the whole town of STL. I sent over 20 issues of the front page when he broke the record to friends in other locations. It was very magical and I was very into it and appreciated being here and part of it.

That said, no doubt in my mind that Mark McGuire was on steroids. Anyone who does not think that is the case is just being delusional. He got huge, real "HUGE" in a short period of time. He got acne, and had severe mood swings. I have know guys who have used steroids and he was a mirror of their physical and emotional results.

Bond's is on the juice as well no doubt. However his re-entry into the fray was that everyone who said they thought he was on juice was a "liar". Well I guess we will see as we move forward on this point. Barry was big, "BIG" like McGuire.

These guys were or are on juice and I guess the fans of baseball have to decide it they will accept it and say nothing, or reject it. The sprits of Ruth, Marris, and the living Legend Aaron have to decide I think. I look for Aaron to be the one to set the tone as he should do. He is the only one alive to speak for all the others, and the King!!!!! He is a Brave and the Home Run King!!!!
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