Friday, February 25, 2005

To Be Catholic or Not...............

Here in St Louis the St. Stanislaus Kostka church, is a proud Polish Catholic legacy church. Why legacy? Well its a strange story but the short is, St Stanislaus somehow kept control of their money all these years and now Archbishop Burke says "if you want to be Catholic then you have to turn the finances over to us". I'm not saying that is right or wrong, I'm not Catholic but I think this is a very interesting story.

Stanislaus said no, we will remain Catholic but we will control our own money and assets. The Catholic Church said no, that won't work. Stanislaus said well too bad that's the way its going to be. Now Burke is saying OK, if that's how you want it then you are no longer a Catholic entity. That's pretty serious stuff if your a Catholic.

I come down on the side of the Church on this one. If your a Catholic Church then you play by the rules of the Church. If you don't like the rules then leave and become a different religion. You can not have it both ways, either you are a Catholic Church or you are not a Catholic Church. Time for Stanislaus to decide what denomination they will be..............................

Denomination is not that important to me and I don't think it really matters, but to some it is REAL IMPORTANT.........
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