Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jefferson - Hastert - Pelosi: One Strange Caucus

With this latest bizzarro episode, you have to seriously wonder if congress has not become completely unhinged.............................So a congressman from party "D" is caught stone cold on tape taking bribes and the Speaker of the House who belongs to party "R" calls for the immediate return of the evidence taken by the FBI in the case because the search was unconstitutional, which it clearly was not? Is this about:

A) Standing on principle via a proud 17th century "tradition" of separation of powers? B) Standing on legal precedent? C) Standing to protect everyone in the club's hide by circling the wagon?

I'll go with "C" at this point, given what we know.........................I'm all for bi-partisan action to promote positive legislation for the good of the country and constitutional law protection, however this does not appear to be that "type" of bi-partisanship............................

Congress is adding this icing to the cake while they are currently fumbling away badly on the immigration issues????....................Talk about a "tin ear"........

BTW, Jefferson was the congressman who commandeered National Guard resources during hurricane Katrina, to drive him to his home and retrieve personal belongings. Per ABC:

Amid the chaos and confusion that engulfed New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck, a congressman used National Guard troops to check on his property and rescue his personal belongings — even while New Orleans residents were trying to get rescued from rooftops, ABC News has learned...................

Jefferson emerged with a laptop computer, three suitcases, and a box about the size of a small refrigerator, which the enlisted men loaded up into the truck.......

I have a pretty good idea what was in the box & suitcases....$100,000 cash? Would you not like to have access to the files on that laptop?


The President has ordered that the documents that were seized be sealed for 45 days, however the investigation will continue, per the MyWay-AP:

Bush urged the Justice Department and the House to continue discussions and to resolve the matter quickly. "Those who violate the law - including a member of Congress - should and will be held to account," the president said. "This investigation will go forward and justice will be served."..............

The entire story has obviously not been told here and Congress had better hope there is a great deal of important information forth coming that supports their standing on this matter..........


Update: Hastert set to sue ABC over the Brian Ross false report.......per Fox Video

Things are getting very interesting in congress indeed......The fog is starting to lift on this story I think.......................
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