Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Latest NSA Leak Planted to Catch Leak Source?

With Bellsouth & Verizon making official statements that they did not supply phone records to the NSA as reported in the latest MSM scream over the NSA, there is some speculation beginning to build steam that the latest NSA leak was a planted story..........

I'm not a conspiracy-grassy knoll fan by any means, but it is an interesting theory.....................How hilarious would it be to nail an anti-Administration intel leaker and the "liberal jump out of their shoes on anything anti-Bush MSM" on a planted-fake red herring? As VISA states in their commercials, "priceless"...............................

If the story turns out to be a plant to flush out the leaker and MSM feed, the leaker will be frog marched off to court while the MSM associated with the story watch it all unfold while they are forever remembered as on par with Geraldo's reporting standard on "Al Capone Secrete Vault"....................................This story could become very entertaining and institutionally deep.................

I'd apply the Watergate analogy "follow the money" clue but update it slightly to current times, "follow the leak"..........................Can you imagine what we might find at the end of this leak trail if the NSA story was in fact planted................Juicy potential indeed........Plummers find what type of pool at the end of such a leak trail....................
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