Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Plame Game Rules for Heads on Poles

The Wall Street Journal seems to get it spot on for me today with their ability to call it like it is when it comes to the left leanings MSM's role in the McCarthy matter (here):

The deepest damage from these leak frenzies may yet be to the press itself, both in credibility and its ability to do its job. It was the press that unleashed anti-leak search missions aimed at the White House that have seen Judith Miller jailed and may find Ms. Priest and Mr. Risen facing subpoenas. And it was the press that promoted the probe under the rarely used Espionage Act of "neocon" Defense Department employee Lawrence Franklin, only to find that the same law may now be used against its own "whistleblower" sources. Just recently has the press begun to notice that the use of the same Espionage Act to prosecute two pro-Israel lobbyists for repeating classified information isn't much different from prosecuting someone for what the press does every day--except for a far larger audience.

We've been clear all along that we don't like leak prosecutions, especially when they involve harassing reporters who are just trying to do their job. But then that's part of the reason we didn't join Joe Wilson and the New York Times in demanding Karl Rove's head over the Plame disclosure. As for some of our media colleagues, when they stop being honest chroniclers of events and start getting into bed with bureaucrats looking to take down elected political leaders, they shouldn't be surprised if those leaders treat them like the partisans they have become.....................

Watch what happens as McCarthy and other political operatives from the left are frog marched forward and held accountable for breaking the law and/or their contract with the CIA over the wave of leaks that have been pouring out of the CIA for years ..............The wind you will feel blowing past you is the left running from their Plame Game mandate to "enforce the law" as their own are held accountable to the standard................The cricket chirping silence will be their explanation and logic of why the leaks are different from the Plamegate leaks...............

There are going to be lots of heads on poles, including media heads because of the "Plame Game Rule Book" that was enacted by the left to get Rove's head at all costs...................Rules are rules and standards are standards, regardless of who's head ends up on the pole................
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