Friday, January 13, 2006

Visit a Site That is Different From Yours Pollitically

I try to go on a blog site that does not share my same political perspective at least once a week - once a month at the worst, and talk with the folks there. I don't go there to "convert" or be "converted" I go there to see what they are talking about and let them know what is on my mind. I find it very informative, you learn a lot from doing this.......

I visited Crooks and Liars tonight. After a bad entry from me, throwing out the Alito Brag, we had some discussions. I lost the group that I originally engaged due to a thread misunderstanding ( ended up in a crazy place.....put what the hell we talk for awhile), but we had a moment of breaking down the wall and talking. I think that is important. If you have never tried going out and entering a new blog discussion and talking to people that you don't have the same opinion as, you should. It's healthy to do so...............

I think we all should take a step back and try to engage people who have a different political opinion whether it is online, at work, a friend, or what ever. Talking about our differences politically is a healthy thing, it leads to positive communications.....

Stanley and the Crook & Liars group, thanks, I enjoyed our conversations. We have different political views ( always will ) but we are all Americans living in the only truly Free Country in the world.......That is kind of IMPORTANT to PROTECT........That is why we could have the conversation that we had today................
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