Friday, January 13, 2006

al-Zawahri Dead Via Hell-Fire Missile?

Reports that Al-Qaida #2 might have caught a CIA Predator drone Hell-Fire missile on that mark that is just off center on his forehead:

Missile for al-Zawahri

Per MSM:

U.S. officials told NBC News on Friday that American air strikes in Pakistan overnight Thursday were aimed at the No. 2 man in the al-Qaida terror organization — Ayman al-Zawahri.

I have to believe that if U.S. officials are "telling" NBC that al-Zawahri was the target of the strike, that they know we got him.........................

However no confirmation yet:

While some remains were reportedly recovered from the site of the attack, there was still no confirmation Friday night that Zawahri was among the dead. An intelligence official told NBC that it does have a sample of Zawahri's DNA. “Anyone who tells you there is clarity on whether he [Zawahri] was killed ... do not take what they are saying as gospel,” a senior U.S. official said.

So no confirmation by this anonymous Intel source, but again it looks pretty promising if DNA kits are onsite.............................

Lets hope al-Zawahri's wasted remains are there and identified, I can't wait to drop the "?" off the title.............
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