Monday, December 26, 2005

Dead People Very Active in Metro St. Louis Politics

Per the Post Dispatch, "dead people" continue to be VERY politically active in Metro St. Louis politics:

Dead Voters

St. Louis election officials have discovered a fresh batch of "signatures" belonging to dead voters in the already suspect push to recall an alderman in the 22nd Ward..................

A fresh batch of "dead voters" is not a good trend....................................

This is nothing new to metro St. Louis politics, it has actually become the standard, both on the dead voter and recall front. Take a look at this Riverfront Times article to see just how sleazy and illegal the Democrat machine that rules the city has become:

River Front Times

(Caution: after reading you will have a strong urge for a hot shower with lots of soap...............................)

The specifics of the current Alderman Jeffery Boyd recall is that his opponents turned in 2,700 signatures in support of recalling him last month. Half of the names were thrown out because some names submitted had been deceased for up to six years. The group turned in another group of 1,000 names supporting the recall on 12/2. Election officials found that the replacement round had even more "forgeries" and "dead people".........................................

The most puzzling thing for me is why no criminal action has been pursued. Its not like they don't have worthy candidates. According to the Post:

One of the most prolific signature gatherers in the 22nd Ward petition is Linda D. Rogers. It was Rogers who swore to the authenticity of a signature of a former postal worker who has been dead since 1999.

Rogers is one of several workers in the 22nd Ward getting paid for each signature collected. She also appears to be a felon: Court records show that a Linda Rogers of the same home address was sentenced to probation for stealing 37 DVDs from a Sam's Club in 2001. Her probation was revoked when she tested positive for using cocaine.

Anyone else see an issue with a felon collecting recall signatures and getting paid on a volume basis?

There is no report of any charges being filed against Ms Rogers or anyone else, and I'm wondering if I'm the only person asking the question why? Maybe it's because the people within the St. Louis democrat political machine think it is normal or maybe they are terrified to leave it or take a stand to expose it. I get that feeling after reading this statement from Melinda Long who was recalled by such a petition:

Soon, Martin said, the Election Board will convene a set of public hearings to discuss the impact of recall elections on the city. While Martin stopped short of calling the events in the 22nd Ward a crime, he said it clearly "rises to the level of fraud." "The next challenge is that we prosecute somebody and get somebody held accountable," Martin said.

Hello, I think its way past time to start prosecution and holding a whole metro political machine accountable for dead people voting and dead people signing recall petitions. Newsflash, dead people have no legitimate role in elections, never, no matter what the DNC & MoveOn advocate and fund.............

The Diebold Conspiracy Nuts might want to focus on the basics of election validity in St. Louis if they are really interested in valid elections. That starts with making sure dead people don't vote and that only legitimate voters do. Once that fundamental issue is corrected then they can go off chasing their Don Quixote windmills with a Karl Rove face.............................

Until this dead voter fraud is cleaned-up, no election results from metro St. Louis will have validity or standing, with or without Diebold machines.....................
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