Thursday, December 22, 2005

Rapper Notorious BIG Inspires Killings Even After Death

Even in death, it appears that rappers have the power to incite and promote real world violence that their rhymes also promote:

Death Rappers

Per Pajama Media:

Three men were stabbed and three were shot during the New York release party for slain rapper Notorious B.I.G.'s CD, "Duets: The Final Chapter"...................

The stabbings happened early Wednesday in the VIP room of the nightclub Exit while the shootings occurred in a parking garage across the street, the New York Post reported Thursday..................................

Sounds like the Super Bowl lead-up activities in Atlanta a few years ago to me.

When you sing - rhyme about killing people, don't be surprised if that is exactly what occurs when people gather to hear your music......................

Not real uplifting or beneficial to the human society.......................................
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