Thursday, November 03, 2005

Another Judge Tossed In DeLay Trial

The rotation of judges continues in the DeLay trial:


DeLay attorneys were successful in getting the first judge Bob Perkins replaced because of his close affiliation with Democrats in Texas and his financial contributions to MoveOn.

Now Ronnie Earle has gotten Perkins replacement B.B. Schraub replaced because of his donations to Republican candidates.

Per Earle he believed that Schraub was a fair and honorable judge but this was all about pay back for Perkins getting tossed:

Still, Earle wrote that prosecutors believe Schraub to be "completely fair and impartial, with a sterling reputation of honesty and integrity. "However, as the recusal of Judge Perkins reflected, such is unfortunately no longer the standard in our state for the judiciary," he said.

This is going to be one nasty and very personal trial……………………………………………….
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