Thursday, November 24, 2005

Governor Bill Richardson Strikes Out

Governor Bill Richardson is coming clean on his false claim that he was drafted by a professional baseball team back in 1966:


Per the AP:

For nearly four decades, Richardson, often mentioned as a possible Democratic presidential candidate, has maintained he was drafted by the Kansas City Athletics.....................

But an investigation by the Albuquerque Journal found no record of Richardson being drafted by the A's, who have since moved to Oakland, or any other team. Informed by the newspaper of its findings, the governor acknowledged the error in a story in Thursday's editions.

"After being notified of the situation and after researching the matter ... I came to the conclusion that I was not drafted by the A's," Richardson said. He said he had believed it was true based on an old program from an amateur team he had played for in Massachusetts.

Let me get this straight, "I came to the conclusion that I was not drafted by the A's".................I find it a bit hard to get the facts wrong on whether you were drafted by a professional baseball team or you weren't, even considering it was the 60's..............................

Sounds like we have a credibility issue with what Mr. Richardson says and what he maintains as the truth.......................
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