Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Abu Ali Guilty On Plotting To Kill President

Plot to kill the President of the United States and get caught, then you looking at "life in prison":

Abu Guilty

The tortured by America and American allies sad sound did not play out with the jury:

The federal jury rejected Ahmed Omar Abu Ali's claim that Saudi security officers whipped and tortured him into a false confession..............

Juror Nancy Ramsden said the videotaped confession was a "very striking" piece of evidence. "It was almost sort of a joke for him," she said, referring to points in the tape where Abu Ali laughs and pantomimes the use of an assault rifle. Ramsden said the jurors agreed from the beginning they did not believe Abu Ali was physically tortured...................

Good for the jury, at least some in this country can view the facts and threat facing this country and not get "bogged down" in the ghost of Vietnam...........