Wednesday, October 05, 2005

UF Gators Not Tops In The Swamp Any Longer

It has been a bad couple days for the University of Florida Gators. They got an old fashioned SEC whipping from Alabama on Saturday and now this. What is this? Well now we understand that the Gators are not the dominate force in the swamp and are being eaten by snakes:

Big Snake Eats Gator

A 13 foot snake kills a 6 foot gator and eats it whole, and then exploded is one hell of a story an interesting story, especially considering it is in South Florida. I imagine that lots of 20 foot snakes are eating lots of gators in the swamp, and that could become an environmental issue. Right now it makes the gators the second predator in the swamp..................

I think that the gators will get right this Saturday against Miss St. and even Big Snakes that eat gators like to eat Bull Dogs, so if the Big Snakes don't get the dogs then maybe the gators will...........................................That said get ready for the Snake posters to start appearing in the swamp from the visiting team to remind the gators that there is a bigger and more powerful predator in the swamp now. Gators are getting eaten by a superiors foe.........................
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