Monday, October 03, 2005

I'm Not A One Issue Republican Focused On Roe vs. Wade

Some on the ultra right have eased themselves off the ledge back inside the window after the announcement earlier this morning that President Bush had nominated Harriet Miers. A larger portion are still out on the ledge, but I'm ok with that, maybe they will jump............................

The statements on the web today by the ultra-right-lawyer-pundits for the repeal of Roe vs. Wade is tired and worn for me. I'm tired of listening to the bloviation from said pundits that the nominee had to be an outspoken "anti-abortion" on the record candidate. Bottom line over and over as you read their posts was that they were behind Bush only to get a committed anti-abortion Justice. Several actually said that was the one reason they supported Bush, and now they don't. Like I said maybe they will jump, because if that is the only issue that matters to them, then we don't have a whole lot in common. The most important thing politically for me is not the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and I'm on no mission to do so. As a matter of fact I don't think it should be overturned.

The hard right folks who's only political focus is overturning Roe vs. Wade are not the heart and soul of the Republican party regardless of what they think. They have been the most vocal recently, and without a doubt the most vocal today. That however does not make them the heart and soul of the party. If they were the heart and soul of the party then tell me why Rudy is in the lead on every straw poll conducted thus far? Rudy Gilliani is pro-choice so if your disappointed in this latest Supreme Court nominee and abortion is the only reason your in the Grand Old Party then better to jump now and go form the "Anti Abortion Bull Moose Party" for 2006 & 2008...........................

The end game of repealing Roe vs. Wade is an out of touch agenda that a majority of Americans simply don't support. Don't get me wrong I do not promote abortion or think its a "good" thing. Abortion as birth control is deeply disturbing to me. It's a very difficult and devisive issue that is too personal to have government regulate and decide in the end I think. If you feel differently then fine, we can agree to disagree. A lot of moderate Republicans feel the same way as I do on this issue.

The anti-abortion caucus better understand that the moderates on this issue are not hitching up to their wagon. They can say what they want about who brought out the votes in 2004, but without the moderate middle of the party, there is no party. They better gain some perspective on this and quick. I don't support the priority of overturning Roe vs. Wade like a majority of Americans. I have much broader interests and priorities than that one issue and I'm not a "One Issue Republican".......
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