Monday, October 24, 2005

Libby Tells NYT Cheney Gave Him Plame's Name

The NYT is set to report tomorrow that Lewis Libby and his attorney have told the Times that Cheney gave Libby, Valerie Plame's name. What that means we don't know but what ever the Wilson - Plame story ends up being, it has just racketed up a notch. Patrick Fitzgerald is set to act and disclose charges prior to Friday if any are coming.

Stay tuned this week should clarify a great deal on the Wilson-Plame matter........................


The NYT turning on Miller hard, Bush saying earlier today that the "leaks were serious", and Libby telling the NYT that Cheney gave him Plame's name do not point toward a certain and negative outcome for the White House I'm guessing. Just the opposite, seems that something of the opposite might be brewing. Just guessing based on the weird story that it is, but don't the above three factors lead one to believe that this could very possibly be taking a very negative Wilson & NYT angle...............
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