Saturday, October 22, 2005

Indian Coca Farmer Leads Bolivian Race for President

Per the AP an Indian coca farmer is the front running candidate for President in Bolivia:

Coca Farmer

Not only is Evo Morales a coca farmer, but also a "close friend" of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, so you get two for the price of one in Morales. You get a producer and advocate for the raw product that becomes cocaine and a socialist. What an unappealing prospect.............................

Seems we have a bit of a "Red Movement" in South America right now. Lots of hard left to outright socialist governments currently in power in Latin America: Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. I'm more concerned with what's going on way south of the border verses at the Mexican border to tell you the truth. I certainly hope we have a good handle on what's going on down there......................

There is no doubt that the world cocaine supply would explode if Morales were elected, via a new standard of "farm subsidies" that would redefine what exactly those are. Listen to these statements by Morales:

"Thanks to coca, we've made it through the endless suffering caused by the white man's infamous war on drugs," he wrote on his Web site. "We're not going to let up. We'll keep fighting no matter what the consequences, because there's no other product that sustains us like coca," said Asunta farmer Juan Condori. "It's the only crop that supports the whole family."

Huh, well perhaps that is a rational perspective for a coca farmer in Bolivia, but every where else in the world coca is one of only a handful of crops that "destroys" entire families..........................
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