Saturday, September 10, 2005

Loser Trev Albert Fired By ESPN

The "Carnival of College Football Predictions" for 10/8 is up

Here 10/8

I'm the unoffical ESPN replacement for that loser Trev Albert who got fired by ESPN and will be picking the biggest college games here each week......I can promise no Big Red - Big 12 Bias here but I will give them a fair shake...................

Original Post On Trev Albert's Firing:

Trev Albert got fired from ESPN because he thought he had talent and we all know he has "ZERO" talent:

Zero Talent Trev

Trev Albert making demands is like some old hack washed-up third tier movie star making demands about the script. How ridiculous...........................

Trev Albert is a "No Talent" idiot and ESPN is much better without Albert. Trev who never got over getting his ASS KICKED by FSU in the National Championship game in 1993 and since then he has always been a "want to be champion" but losers are losers. Albert thought he was "ESPN Game Day Worthy", but he was not within a country mile. Good riddance, ESPN made the right call to get rid of the dead wood and a sorry ass loser like Trev Albert......

Update 9/16

I have no idea if this is really Trev Albert's site, or whether someone registered it as a joke, but there is a Trev Albert website now:

Trev's Site

I'm pretty sure its a joke because it has links and one takes you to ESPN. Can't imagine old Trev linking the company that fired him. The other links are to SI and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But who knows, maybe it is his site. Hey, he was tired of playing second fiddle, so perhaps he is launching his own web based college football network to be a really ugly first fiddle. Based on the site, the quality will be as bad as his analysis on ESPN was.

The top banner line on the site is pretty funny. It states: I am not that dumb!!!!!!!!!

I don't know Trev, I think you probably are........................................................

It will be an improvement to watch ESPN game analysis tomorrow without hearing Albert's pontificating and his biased jabs at the teams he lost to years ago while a player at Nebraska. Per Albert's world, every game Nebraska lost while he was there was to a inferior opponent that got help from the officials to win a game that Nebraska clearly outplayed the other team and should have won. Should of could of........... Can you say self absorbed and overrating oneself?

If the lame website is his and does not pan out, perhaps Trev can join another Nebraska "Quitter" double quitter Crouch and cover Nebraska football for the local Omaha TV channel back at school

Covering Nebraska football is probably about the right speed for Trev Albert's ability. Crouch quit twice in one year, so if Albert follows the Nebraska tradition we have another one due before next year, this time........................................................................

Update 9/18

Is it a coincidence that we have had such a "Great" College Football start and no Trev Albert? Sure it is a coincidence but the "Great" games have been made even "Greater" without Trev pontificating all over the obvious and cooking up a bunch of false BS to feed his short sighted agenda.

God, ESPN Game Day is like 5000% better without Trev Albert. Now the post game is about the "Great Games" as it should be, not some ridiculous self focus on Trev's world on "day's gone by" and "should have been". Albert's failures deserves no such stage..................................................


See this weeks "Carnival of College Football Picks" here from Trev Albert's unoffical replacement............
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