Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Katrina Is Not The Most Deadly Disaster

I've heard a lot of people in the past days state incorrectly that hurricane Katrina is the "Worst Disaster" of all times. It is a terrible disaster without a doubt and we will not know for weeks just how deadly but to state that it is the worst disaster of all times is simply wrong at this point:


At this point we are way below the hysterical estimate that Mayor Ray Nagin gave of 10,000 and the MSM made their driver in the story. Here are the facts:

707 Total Dead

-- Louisiana: 474

-- Mississippi: 218

-- Florida: 11

-- Alabama: 2

-- Georgia: 2

If your interested in the facts, here are in fact the worst disasters in American history:

1. Galveston (Texas) Hurricane, 1900, estimated 8,000 deaths

2. Great Okeechobee Hurricane in Florida, 1928, estimated 2,500-plus

3. Johnstown, Pa., Flood, 1889, estimated 2,200-plus

4. Louisiana Hurricane, 1893, 2,000-plus

5. South Carolina-Georgia Hurricane, 1893, 1,000-2,000

6. Great New England Hurricane, 1938, 720

7. San Francisco Earthquake, 1906, 700

8. Georgia-South Carolina Hurricane, 1881, 700

9. Tri-State Tornado in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana, 1925, 695

10. Labor Day Hurricane that hit the Florida Keys, 1935, 405

Katrina will probably come in at number 5 or 6 when all facts are know.................................
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