Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Biloxi & Gulfport Not Getting Help They Need After Hurricane

Watching Scarborough this evening, he is focused on the lack of FEMA relief for Mississippi compared to Louisiana. He is reporting that the region that was most affected by the hurricane (not the flooding) and who have huge issues facing them, are not getting the support they need.

Joe is angry with every level of government from what he is seeing on the ground:

We have a serious problem in the United States of America right now by federal bureaucrats and state bureaucrats and local bureaucrats and relief agency bureaucrats — yes, like the Red Cross. There is a level of arrogance. All of these groups are like rival gangs. I have seen it first-hand. Every politician on the ground has seen it first-hand. These people would rather have people in their areas suffer than not get the credit for helping them out.

The first few days of the hurricane I blogged on the Biloxi & Gulfport region related to help and information Biloxi Gulfport Coverage. I plan to go back to covering that region due to my connection to the area. Things got really bad in New Orleans but things are also bad in Biloxi & Gulfport and we need to get support to the people of Mississippi.

Joe is reporting that the best way to get aid into the region for fast and effective delivery to those who need it is to give to "faith based" organizations. The Blog For Katrina Relief bloggers who chose faith based organizations got it right, and I'd tell anyone still wanting to donate to give to one of the faith based organizations listed here:


Mississippi did not have a social breakdown like New Orleans had and has not had the MSM focus because of that. However, they need help so please don't forget them and donate as you can.

Two excellent sources of information in the regions are the Sun Herald and WLOX 13
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