Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Katrina Destroyed New Orleans & Southern Mississippi

Hurricane Katrina has destroyed New Orleans and the water is still rising. This is a horrible disaster with huge issues almost unimaginable to comprehend, and it will be a long and hard struggle for New Orleans and the region to overcome. The Times-Picayune is providing good coverage even as they were forced to evacuate the rising water in their building:


If you want to help then send monetary donations to the charity of our choice. Check if your employer is collecting and matching funds. You can donate directly to the Red Cross here:

Red Cross

Hugh Hewitt has several other relief organizations that you can also donate to for Katrina victims:


The people in New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama need our help, give if you can.

This is just the first chapter of a very long story that will decide what will become of tomorrows New Orleans and Mississippi's southern coast but I say they are made of the stuff that will rebuild again..........................
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