Monday, August 29, 2005

Al Sharpton - Car Chase - OJ - Chavez & Jessie Pep Rally

Apparently Rev. Sharpton cut his time with Cindy Sheehan a bit close:

Wipe Out Al

A car carrying the Rev. Al Sharpton led sheriff's deputies on a nine- mile chase at speeds up to 110 mph before state troopers stopped the vehicle and arrested the driver, authorities said.

Per Sharpton:

"That nine-mile chase is news to me," Sharpton told The Associated Press. "All I know is that the police pulled us over because they wanted to talk to the driver about speeding."

Well maybe OJ picked up Rev. Sharpton and got him to the airport after his driver was arrest for going 105 mph and endangering lots of people on the interstate. Was it a white Bronco he left in? Rumor has it that Sharpton was late for his flight to Venezuela, for the meet-up rally with Jessie Jackson and Hugo Chavez............................
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