Friday, July 15, 2005

ABC Reports Iraq & al Qaeda Link In 2000

From that bastion of conservative disinformation, "ABC", some very important historical point on Saddam and al Qaeda's relationship (via Powerline):

film clip

The clip is from 2000 while Bill Clinton was in office and correctly shows the Iraq -al Qaeda connection. Why has the left, both the congressional political left and MSM left selectively forgotten the facts they reported oh so not long ago? What is that all about?

Americans do not trust the DNC and their candidates because they are willing to put the population at risk for political gains. I think 2006 will be hell to pay if you are a Democratic candidate.............................

The trust of the information and news that the liberal MSM provides has never been lower, every in their history. They just have no credibility because of things like this............................
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