Friday, July 15, 2005

T-Ball Coach Puts Hit On Mentally Disabled Player

Deplorable would be an understatement:

T-Ball Hit

A coach of eight year old T-Ball players offers his players $25 to hit and hurt a teammate who was mentally disabled. What a rotten piece of human trash………………..

This guy is suppose to be the adult who provides these children “instructions in the fundamentals of baseball and allows them to experience the value of teamwork – but most of all, to have fun”. That is what Little League Baseball says is the purpose of T-Ball per their Media Guide:

Little Leauge Guide

Mark Downs Jr, failed these children on every count, and his action are deplorable. He should be banned for life from working with any organization that would put him in a position to teach children, and I think should do some jail time.

What kind of human being would do such a thing…………………………….


Per the AP via Fox, the R.W. Clark Youth Baseball League, which sponsored this team, are not affiliated with Little League International. You would hope however that R.W. Clark would apply the same purpose for their league with the same objectives............

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