Thursday, June 16, 2005

Strong Poll Numbers To Keep Guatanamo Open

From Fox News some new polling data:

Fox Poll


* Bush Approval 48% Disapproval 43%, up one point from April (12 month high 53% )
* Bush Favorable 52% Unfavorable 42%, same as April ( 12 month high 52% )also his Favorable is up from the election period of 48% ( up 4 points )

* Hillary Approval 52% Unfavorable 37% Can't Say 10%, will probably break the same as Bush's numbers.
* Howard Dean The Scream Favorable 23% Unfavorable 41%, (not good................)

Most Important Issues

War/Saddam Hussein: 25% up from 16% Oct 04'
Economy: 13% down from 27% Oct 04' ( the Economy bogey man issue the press promoted is solid and a big Bush positive )
Social Security: 12% up from 3% Oct 04' (Bush is making progress and its in the top three now )

2008 Front Runners

Rep: Rudy 29%, McCain 26%, Gingrich 9%, Frist 3% ( three man race now )
Dem: Clinton 44%, Kerry 17%, Edwards 13%, Biden 6% ( Hillary looks like the DNC candidate )


Meets Acceptable Standards of Treatment: 43% Yes, 33% Fail
Conditions are Acceptable or Unacceptable: 67 Acceptable, 8 Unacceptable
Living Better Than in Iraq or Afghanistan: Better 59%, Worse 12%

Should Gitmo Be Closed: No 75%, Yes 10%

75% to 10% says that the Dems in office and in the MSM are promoting an agenda that Americans are against by a wide margin. Do the Dems really still not understand why they keep loosing elections and does the MSM still not understand why they are loosing customers in record numbers and on the verge of becoming irrelevant?
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