Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Bush Labels Democrats Obstructionist Who Stand For Nothing

President Bush tells it like it is.........

Obstructionist Dems

President Bush tonight ripped the Democratic Party as a pack of do-nothing obstructionist bent on derailing his agenda of reform, telling Democratic leaders in Congress that on issue after issue, "they stand for nothing except obstruction, and this is not leadership."

They stand only for the Fili (Dutch Pirate) and that is the only issue that the Dems know how to lead on, Dutch Pirate-Filibuster-Obstruction.................

he hammered Democrats for offering no solutions to the nation's most pressing problems. "If leaders of the other party have innovative ideas, let's hear them. But if they have no ideas or policies except obstruction, they should step aside and let others lead," Mr. Bush said to thunderous applause from more than 5,000 supporters.

Absolutely, nothing really more to add to that exactly correct comment..........

The president, who has spent the last several months seeking consensus on his Social Security reform package and reaching out to Democrats with non-confrontational rhetoric, said opposition party leaders are pursuing "the philosophy of the stop sign, the agenda of the road block, and our country and our children deserve better."

Bush has tried to seek consensus on a critical issue that a huge majority of Americans believe needs attention and reform. The President is willing to talk in a consensus building fashion and just gets "non-action" and "obstruction".

"The other approach is to simply do nothing, to delay solutions, obstruct progress, refuse to take responsibility. Members of the other party have worked with us to achieve important reforms on some issues, yet, too often, their leadership prefers to block the ideas of others."

Bush nailed this one and expressed it exactly how it is. The Dems are on the verge of suffering fatal labeling, if they do not reach out to this President with a mandate and start working on these very hard problems we have and must face. If they do not then they will pay severely in the election of 2006...............

Per my prior Post on the Senate Approval Ratings for the Fili Compromise Gang of 14, the public seems really to reward the consensus building the President has been trying to build for the past several months. Time to come to the table Harry and Nancy, and understand that you are the minority, but you have been invited and help solve our problems instead of making them worse due to non-action because of an inbreed obstructionist agenda.......................
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