Tuesday, June 21, 2005

PBS Does Not Like Political Accountability

Dems call for Kenneth Tomlinson to step down


Not going to happen and the push to make PBS politically balanced will continue. It's a lefty news organization that my taxes pay for. I'm not good with a liberally biased network that is funded with my money, just like a majority of Americans, so it has to become balanced or the money will go away. If not through reform then I predict through litigation.

The Dems tried the children education game today per The Hill:

Joined by stars of PBS children’s programming, including “Clifford the Big Red Dog,” “Maya & Miguel” and “Between the Lions,” Democrats hailed the educational nature of public broadcasting, especially in contrast to the content of commercial broadcasts.

Markey said that, while PBS stations “offer up to 12 hours per day of nutritious, beneficial children’s programming,” commercial broadcast networks program shows like “Jerry Springer,” “Montel” “Maury,” “Judge Hatchett” and “Divorce Court.”

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) agreed that commercial networks are not providing sufficient educational programming, noting that, according to the National Television Violence Study, “children are exposed to six acts of violence and hour, and violence on the so-called commercial ‘children’s shows’ is on the rise.”

Well I have nothing but praise for the educational programs and that is why I have donated $150 per year until this year to my local PBS channel. It's about the political coverage and no one is following this sad diversion. I'd be game for making PBS a child education network only and would then renew my $150 per year pledge. However, if they want to run news, then it has to be "fair & balanced" or the money goes away.
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