Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sen Durbin Calls For Unity Over Iraq Military Action

Well he did back in 1998......................

How ironic is this piece of journalist history (via Illinois Leader) that captures a much different Durbin and his call of standing united on Iraq and the use of military action back in 1998:

Durbin 1998

One would think that if Durbin called for a united America back in 1998, prior to 911, he would certainly call for a united America today, and refrain from inappropriate attacks on the men and woman of our military who are protecting us and fighting the War on Terror.

However, this call for unity was made while a democrat was sitting President, which obviously makes a difference to Durbin. It would be difficult not to see that Durbin is a partisan politician speaking with an extreme political agenda and bias, from a position of leadership in what has become an extreme party……………………………………..

An interesting side note was Durbin’s support in his statement of action because of Saddam’s “defiant protection of his weapons of mass destruction cannot go unanswered.

I wonder where Mr. Durbin’s resolve and dedication to protect America has gone………………
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